Introducing a timeless Christmas musical play for children...

A Christmas Musical



"Papa Panov - A Christmas Musical" is available exclusively from this web site.

Papa Panov - A Christmas Musical

"Papa Panov - A Christmas Musical" is a musical play for children, based on an inspiring short story by Leo Tolstoy.

  • Light orchestral in style, rather than pop - more "Les Miserables" than "Joseph" - the music is perfectly in keeping with the setting of the story.
  • Also included... FULL PIANO SCORE for those who prefer piano to backing tracks, or wish to play along with the full accompaniment.

Find out all about the musical, read what others have had to say about it, and hear some of the music before ordering.


18th Dec 2017
BRAND NEW - PREMIERES THIS WEEK... a made-for-TV movie version of the musical - presented by Hope TV (The Hope Channel). 
Click here to find out more...
Pic of the Hope TV (Hope Channel) version of Papa Panov - A Christmas Musical

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