Papa Panov - A Christmas Musical
Papa Panov - A Christmas Musical
A Christmas Musical

The Story
The Characters
The Songs
The Script
The Package
Order Form
Picture Gallery
The Composer
New! Hope TV







Frequently asked questions

What is the running time of the musical?

  • The musical is typically presented as a one-act play. Its approximate running time is one hour.

Is there a way to preview the musical without buying the whole thing?

  • Yes. A "Preview Package" is available to order. The Preview Package is available as a download only. It is available in two file sizes, 46MB for higher quality music files, and 23MB for lower quality. The libretto (script) and "rehearsal" music files only are included in this package. Please see order page.

How does the payment work?

  • Decide which product you wish to purchase, and then click on the appropriate "Buy Now" button. You will be taken to PayPal's secure site to actually make the purchase. Once on their page you can confirm what you are buying, sign in to PayPal, if you already have an account, or fill in your credit card details if not.
    Once the payment is complete, PayPal account holders will automatically be directed to a special webpage where the link(s) to your download are located. Non account holders will need to remember to click the button that says "Return to Auditory Spark" (the name of my company's PayPal account) to get to the download page. Unfortunately, this does not seem possible to be automated for some reason... You will be immediately invoiced, by email, to the email address that you provide.

Is my payment secure?

  • Yes. Your payment is handled entirely on PayPal's secure servers. You can find out more about PayPals security and how they safeguard your sensitive data at

Do I need a PayPal account to order?

  • No you don't. You can pay with a credit card without needing to be a PayPal account holder. Just remember, as mentioned above, you will NOT automatically be directed to your download page - you have to click the "Return to Auditory Spark" button manually. 

What if I lose my download page? Where do I find it?

  • Once you have been directed to your download page, you are expected to download the file immediately. For technical reasons (at this time) you are NOT automatically emailed the download link as well. We recommend that you simply start the download immediately, and/or bookmark the download page so that you can find it later.
  • If you close the page before downloading, or the download is interrupted, you can always email us at giving the transaction number from the emailed confirmation that you received. You will be emailed the download link. Please note, while we aim to reply quickly if you get stuck, this process is not automated as yet, and so it is possible that you may not get a reply for several hours... It may be quicker to telephone on 613 400 1934.

What if my download doesn't work?

  • Sometimes the download doesn't appear to work (with certain browsers) if you have accidentally "left-clicked" on the link to the zip file. To avoid confusion, it is best to follow the instruction as given on the download page, and "right-click" to save the zip file. Most modern computers will be able to open the zip (archive) file right away, and you'll be able to listen to the music and/or browse the documents within minutes.

What about refunds?

  • If you buy the full product and find that it is not suitable for your needs, you can contact us at within 21 days of your purchase, for a full refund.
  • Due to the nature of the downloadable product, we will have to rely on the "honour system" and will insiste that you delete any and all files downloaded from our servers and destroy any physical copies that you may have made of the printed materials or burned audio CDs etc. You will be required to certify, in writing, that you have done this, before your refund is processed.
  • Obviously, you will no longer have the authority to stage the play, and must not attempt to do so.
  • After 21 days of purchase there are no refunds, so please evaluate the materials within that time frame.

Will I be contacted about my order?

  • Yes, you will be. Although PayPal does not require a lot of information for your purchase (in fact they only ask the minimum necessary), there is additional information that we require. For copyright reasons, we need to know which institution (church, school etc.) has purchased the play. At the present time, the only way that we can get this information from you, is to ask for it in a follow up email. It would be very helpful if you could add the following address to your address book so that you will definitely receive our follow-up email:


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100-837 Eastvale Dr, Ottawa, ON, K1J 7T5, CANADA | Tel: 1-613-400-1934